Getting Into A Hair Care Routine: How To Find The Right One For You

hair care daily routine

A hair care daily routine is something that everyone wants to get into. Our social media feeds are filled with posts about "must-try" daily hair care routines and why they are more important than anything else we've ever tried. Are we even aware of what a good "hair care routine" is? The term "hair care routine" may sound glamorous, but it's just a series of routines and products designed to address your unique hair needs. Keep reading to learn what is the perfect hair routine and how to create a perfectly healthy hair care routine that will work best for your hair!

Find out what your hair type is to get the best daily hair care routine:

When discussing hair types, it's essential to consider more than just texture. Whether or not your hair absorbs moisture well or breaks readily is crucial in establishing your hair type. Below, we've outlined some distinguishing features that might help you identify whether your hair is thick, fine, coarse, curly, or oily.

1. Hair elasticity

A hair strand can be snapped or stretched, but have you ever tried it? Checking how your hair reacts to pulling is a quick and easy approach to understanding its flexibility and strength. 

Hair elasticity is measured by pulling a single strand of hair between two fingers; if the hair breaks when pulled, your hair elasticity is low; if the strand stretches, it is high. Testing hair flexibility allows you to tell how well your hair will hold a style.

Fine hair has been connected to low elasticity, while thick to average hair has been associated with good elasticity.

2. Strand test

Secondly, put it through a strand test. You have fine hair if you run your fingers along a single hair and don't feel anything. While the medium breadth of your hair can be felt if you run your fingers through a single strand, the coarseness of your hair can be inferred if the strand feels thick or textured.

3. Texture

Straight Hair

Grey Hair Color

Straight hair does not hold curls well and is flat throughout, beginning at the roots. The texture is often smooth and velvety. Women with this hair type often have oily scalps, spreading the oil throughout their strands.

Curly Hair

Hair Style

Curls most pronounced at the crown of the head are characteristic of this hair type. Dryness and frizz are more common in curly hair than straight or wavy hair.

Wavy Hair

Blonde Hair Color Style

This style of hair is intermediate between straight and curly. The hair may develop large, bouncy curls at the roots and gradually thin out as it moves toward the ends. Typically, the texture of hair like this is tough. Hairstyles are more likely to last longer in wavy hair. This hair type is also the most adaptable, making it suitable for experimentation with different styles like straightening, curling, and more.

Determine your hair requirements.

Determine your hair's needs and your "hair motivation" after you've established your hair type.

It can be any one of the following.

1. Damage

Dry, unpleasant, and damaged hair can result from overexposure to environmental factors, styling tools, heat, and chemicals.

2. Frizz

Damage, dryness, and lack of moisture can all contribute to frizzy, unruly hair. Curly hair lies flat, but frizzy hair stands on end and defies manipulation.

3. Shine

Dullness can be the result of hair that is coarse, curly, or damaged as well as the use of too much product. We can tell that hair is healthy and well-cared for when it has a glossy sheen. The cuticle of hair lies perfectly flat, allowing it to reflect any light that falls upon it.

4. Volume

While the thickness of your hair is fixed, you can alter the volume to some degree. The fullness of your hair, or its "volume," can be enhanced by using specific hairstyles, cutting procedures, and even cosmetic aids.

5. Definition

Hair with good definition flows and hangs in the way you want it to. Overgrown or "heavy" hair can result from a lack of definition. When curls aren't defined, they bunch together.

Select the appropriate formula for the best hair care routine

Hair Treatment Product

If you take the time to find a hair care product with the proper formula and components, you may be pleasantly surprised by the results. Whether you're looking for a new hair oil, shampoo, or conditioner, it's essential to research the goods you're interested in purchasing. Find out what each product's ingredients are. It will help you in selecting the appropriate hair products.

Know when to wash your hair

It's not a good idea to wash your hair every single day. It's essential to keep your hair hydrated, yet shampoos strip it of the natural hair oils and moisture it needs to thrive. You should think about using shampoo regularly in only a few specific cases, and those are as follows:


If your hair is oily, you may find that it attracts more grime and debris than usual. In addition to dandruff, this can cause your pores to become clogged. The oiliness of your scalp is influenced by factors such as your age, genetics, lifestyle, and hormonal fluctuations. If your scalp gets very oily due to any of them, you may need to wash it as often as once a day.

Small Particles Of Dust

Dust and pollution can build up on your scalp and make you feel like you need to wash your hair more frequently if you spend a lot of time outside at work.


A sweating scalp is normal if you routinely engage in strenuous physical activity, but it may require washing your hair every other day if you are a frequent traveler or gym rat.

Hair Texture

Your hair will get oilier the more straight it is. Washing fine, straight hair more frequently than textured or curly hair is a need.

What Hair Care Routine Is Best for You?

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Straight Hair

It's commonly believed that straight hair is low maintenance because it can be styled with minimal effort. However, unlike curly or wavy hair, straight hair gets greasy fast and requires just as much care.

Hair wash routine:

  • Try a shampoo without sulfates if you want to clean your hair thoroughly while avoiding irritation. Pick the shampoos and conditioners that are formulated to reduce the buildup of oil and grease on the dry scalp. You can also take advice from the best hair salon in Atlanta.

  • You should only wash your hair every two to three days unless your scalp naturally produces a lot of oil.

Guidelines for Caring:

  • To keep your hair from breaking, you shouldn't brush it when wet.

  • Treat your hair gently by washing it with a moderate shampoo and conditioning it with a lightweight product.

  • Direct sunlight can cause your scalp to sweat, which can cause frizz. You should therefore protect your hair from direct sunlight as much as possible.

  • If your hair tends to go flat at the roots, you can try using a serum that adds volume. If you apply it to wet hair, it will keep your locks from drying out.

  • The ends of straight hair frequently split. Because of this, you should chop off any dead ends and have a haircut every three to five months.

Wavy Hair

Wavy hair allows for a wide range of stylistic exploration if adequately cared for. This hair texture is a happy medium between straight and curly, so it's versatile and straightforward to manage.

How to Clean:

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  • Wavy hair, which is naturally drier than straight hair, does not need to be washed as frequently. Therefore, washing wavy hair once every 3-4 days is sufficient.

  • If your hair naturally has waves, you may find success by switching to a sulfate-free shampoo that caters to your hair type.

Guidelines for Caring:

  • Always use a conditioner after washing your hair.

  • Compared to straight hair, the ends of wavy hair are typically drier. You can use oil to avoid this and maintain the health of your hair's shaft and ends.

  • Scrunching your hair with a leave-in conditioner will help highlight your natural waves. After getting out of the shower, apply it to your hair when it's damp and sweep it forward. Apply some volume by scrunching your hair with your fists while it's still wet, and then let it air dry.

  • Massaging your hair with oil before washing is a great idea to maintain its health and hydration. This can be done an hour before you wash your hair.

Curly Hair

Curly hair, without a doubt, breathes new life into your hair and brings out a more playful side of your personality. The problem is that they dry out rapidly and are sometimes not so simple to keep up with.

How to Clean:

  • Use a shampoo that doesn't include sulfates when you wash your hair. Limit shampoo use to just washing your hair and scalp.

  • You can keep your hair from drying by washing it once a week.

  • You should condition your dry curly hair every three to four days to keep it healthy and manageable.

Guidelines for Caring:

  • Deep conditioning of your hair will play a significant role in your routine. You should condition your hair after every wash. This helps it stay healthy and free of frizz. 

  • After conditioning your hair in the shower, detangle it. This is the best way to keep it from shattering.

  • Prevent dryness of the scalp and hair by mixing a few drops of essential oil into your conditioner.

  • To maintain smooth locks, purchasing a diffuser attachment is a must. Dry your hair in a specific pattern with the help of these instruments to avoid unruly hair.

  • You can also emphasize your natural curls by using a curl-defining cream.

Coily Hair

The curls in this style of hair are pretty compact. In addition, it is typically extremely dry.

How to clean:

  • To avoid over-drying your hair, use a shampoo without sulfates for hair washing.

  • Pay attention to the roots, but ignore the stems. Unfortunately, shampoos often strip hair of its healthy natural oils.

  • You need to co-wash with a conditioner every other or every few days a week.

Guidelines for Caring:

  • When detangling, using your fingers makes the process easier and reduces the likelihood of hair breakage.

  • You should use a deep conditioner for your dry hair at least once a week to keep it nourished and hydrated. As a bonus, this helps protect your healthy hair from drying out and becoming frizzy.

  • Use a daily moisturizing spray on your dry hair to keep it supple and nourished.

  • Wait an hour after oiling your hair to wash it with shampoo and conditioner.

Easy-to-follow daily hair care routine or instructions

Hair Salon Treatment

1. Cleanse

Scalp health and hygiene necessitate the removal of gunk, debris, and surplus sebum. But more than maintaining a regular shampooing routine is required. If you want a clean scalp, you must use the appropriate techniques, such as massaging the entire area and rinsing away the substance at the end. In order to achieve a thoroughly clean scalp, you need to repeat the cleansing process twice or thrice.

2. Apply oil and nourish

This century-old technique is widely believed to improve hair growth and quality in various ways, including increased tensile strength, improved circulation to the scalp, promoted hair development, and so on—best practices recommend oiling your normal hair once or twice weekly.

3. Deep condition

By applying multiple layers of conditioner, a deep condition locks in moisture that often escapes dry hair. It will help if you use hair masks once a week to hydrate your hair deeply. People with thin hair may not benefit from deep conditioning treatments, while those with coarse or curly hair may want to consider it.

4. Detangle

In addition to oiling and washing, conditioning your hair is essential. Dry locks are a common cosmetic complaint brought on by environmental and product variables. Applying conditioner after shampooing helps keep hair strands supple and healthy, reducing breakage and hair loss.

Options for expanding your hair care routine

Dry shampoo is a helpful supplement to any regular hair care routine, especially if you often find yourself too busy to wash your hair. To remove excess oil, apply dry shampoo directly to the roots and work it with your fingers or a comb. If your hair has been chemically treated or is particularly dry, a hair mask or conditioning treatment may be a better choice. You can get a professional conditioning treatment from a fine hair specialist in Atlanta once a month or prepare a hair mask at home. Once a week is sufficient for using a hair mask, but more or less often may be necessary.

Exactly why is it crucial to maintain healthy hair?

Taking care of one's hair is essential for several reasons. You'll have healthier, more lustrous hair, for one thing. It also prevents the dry, brittle hair that often comes with age. You must begin a regular hair care regimen if you haven't already. The effort required to maintain healthy, nourished hair may appear excessive. Later on, you'll be glad you did this. Healthy, strong, and lustrous hair is possible with the appropriate hair care program.

How can you improve the health of your hair?

The key to beautiful, healthy hair is a consistent hair care practice. Determining your optimal daily routine can take time and effort. If you need help settling on a consistent hair care routine, consider the following suggestions. 

Finding a hair care routine that works for you is the first step. You should establish a regimen that is easy enough to perform consistently. Next, you must determine your hair's specific requirements. 

What hair type do you have? What are the hair care items you prefer? Which hair care method do you plan to implement? Consider these factors before beginning your hair care program. Third, know what your hair type calls for. Determine your hair type to purchase the appropriate care items. You can use this information to identify your best hair care routine.


Finding an effective routine for your hair is one of the most important things to keep in mind when caring for your hair. It's impossible to generalize hair care because everyone has a unique head of hair. The effort to find a regimen that works for you will pay off in spades. 

It would be best if you experimented with various methods regularly to find the hair care routine that best suits your needs.

Allison McTigue